Advising high net worth families in the planning of the trust, based on the needs and unique considerations of each family, founding and registration with all the required agencies.
What is a trust?
A legal tool through which the founders of the trust create a mechanism to protect their assets. The trust makes it possible to manage the assets in the trust for them and for the generations to come, according to the law at the time the trust is established. Intergenerational wealth transfer is a difficult and complex task. Most families use wills and some also prepare a family constitution. These methods are for a one-time transfer to the next generation, but not beyond. They do not address the issue of US inheritance tax that also applies to Israelis with US assets, including securities. We view the need to transfer wealth in an organized manner that is able to realize a broad family vision, taking legal, economic, and business aspects as well as values into consideration. This is all done for the very long term, without having to rely on the expertise of single professional, but on a regulated institutional body that meets the highest standards.
Our services

Planning and setting up a trust

Trust management
Trust management for a specific purpose such as monthly income, transfer of wealth in stages, trust for a family member with special needs, third-generation trust, trust for taxation purposes, etc.

Tax planning guidance
Work with the family’s tax consultants to provide a multigenerational response to issues related to taxation and the transfer of assets in the trust.

Trust asset management
Management of the assets in trust, including real estate, and strategic management of the investment with all of the actual investment managers.

Actual distributions and execution of wills
Carrying out actual distributions and grants according to the agreement and execution of wills bequeathing to trusts.

Charitable trust
Establishment of a charitable trust or charitable investment portfolio and regular monitoring of the social vision through charitable contributions.

Submitting reports
Ensuring that all the necessary reports to the authorities in Israel, including the Tax Authority, are submitted on the legally mandated dates.