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Secured Bridge Loans

The IBI SBL fund has been active since 2017. Through it, you will be able to invest in short-term bridge loans for the real estate industry in the US. The borrowers are entrepreneurs who are seeking credit to renovate a property in order fix and flip or fix and rent. The loans are extended with relatively high interest, and the real estate asset serves as full collateral for the loan.

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        About The Fund

        • icon-toy
          Fund Type
          A fund that invests in short-term loans backed by real estate assets

        • icon-scale
          Investment Currency
        • icon-horse
          Controlling Shareholder
          IBI Investment House
        • icon-lamp
          Managing Partner
          Amir Golan, CPA
        • icon-sun
          Fund Age
          Established in April 2017

        Additional information about IBI SBL

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        What’s special about the fund?

        • The IBI SBL fund locates, examines and selects loans that have the best risk/reward ratio. The fund examines each transaction, while considering approximately 30 different parameters, including the borrower’s experience with previous projects, quality of the local real estate market, number of transactions concluded in the area, price trend in the area, and more.
        • The fund acquires the loans through e-commerce platforms and holds them for the short term. The profit in the fund is generated through the interest on the loans.
        קרנות 5

        Where is the money that is invested in the fund?

        The money in the fund is in a customer trust account, which is controlled by the loan platforms. Loans are given to borrowers through these platforms, and the loan payments are also received through them.


        Who oversees the fund?

        Tzur Capital Management is the administrator of the fund. It calculates the fund assets, management fees, manages the register of partners (customers) and controls the movement of money in the fund.


        CEO of IBI Investment House and Member of the board

        Dave Lubetsky , CEO of IBI Investment House and Member of the board

        Managing Partner, Director and member of CCF Investment Committee. Amir founded IBI Private Credit department with aggregate AUM of 600M$, IBI CCF Fund was founded in 2014 and it is Israel’s largest debt fund. Before that, Amir worked as an accountant specializing in complex financial instruments at the Valuation Division at EY Israel, and before that Amir worked as a credit consultant at the Clal Group.

        Amir Golan, CPA , Managing Partner, Director and member of CCF Investment Committee

        Iddo serves as the Chairman of IBI Investment House and as the Chairman of IBI Capital. He served as the Company CEO between 2011 and 2018 and has been involved in various fields in the capital market for over 25 years. He began his career as a stockbroker and has held a range of management positions at the IBI Group, in the investment management and brokerage fields.

        Iddo holds an MBA and a BSc in life sciences from Tel Aviv University. He also holds an investment management license issued by the Israel Securities Authority.

        Iddo Kook , Chairman of IBI Investment House

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